The Spirit of Syracuse is now ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS!
Interested? Lets us know you are coming! please use this link to our google form: https://forms.gle/GKEaq31HRUx7cnot5
The Spirit of Syracuse invites you to join our group of women who share in the fun of singing and performing a variety of a cappella music in 4-part barbershop harmony.
Join us any Tuesday evening and discover the unique thrill of barbershop harmony. Through our educational program you too can be singing your way to an adventure while creating new friends, new experiences and new opportunities to grow.
Sweet Adelines International is a highly regarded worldwide women’s singing organization. Choruses around the world provide access to leading experts in the fields of vocal production, choreography, directing, arranging, and more. Together, our international experts have designed educational programs that help every woman achieve her musical goals. Radiate your passion for singing and become part of something extraordinary!
Are you ready for the journey that will change your life? Contact us today, and you can be on the risers by Tuesday to "Ignite Your Sound". Thrill yourself, challenge yourself to spend just one rehearsal with us.
You know you want to! - And we want you to, too!
Commonly Asked Questions
Q. Do you need to be able to read music?
A. No, although it's a useful skill, it's not mandatory. Most of our learning is now done by listening to learning CDs. Learning CDs provide more than just notes - words, dynamic levels (louds and softs), phrasing, correct vowel pronunciation are all there for the singer.
Q. What are the costs involved?
A. We pay $12 per week for dues. Other expenses include costume and make up. The financial aspect is discussed at new member orientation, so there's an opportunity to learn ways the chorus has made available to help singers with these expenses. For any YWIH (25 years old and younger), dues are only $6 per week.
Q. What is the time commitment?
A. Weekly rehearsals are 7 - 10 pm on Tuesday evening. Other time commitments include regional competition (held annually in the spring) and full-chorus performance opportunities, such as the chorus show. In addition, our chorus is fortunate to work with top-notch coaches a few times throughout the year. Attendance at all rehearsals (regular and coaching) is important as the ensemble is working together, learning at the same time.
Q. Is it OK that I haven't sung in a while?
A. Probably most of our members sang in high school or college and have missed singing, learning, and performing. We find that our members quickly refresh their skills and gain new skills in the chorus.
Q. Do I have to audition (gulp) in front of the entire chorus?
A. Auditions are held with four of the section teachers in a private area after you've attended a minimum of three rehearsals. A practice audition gives your section teacher a chance to give you personal feedback. She will let you know if there are areas in the song that you need to concentrate on before the audition (the following week)
Q. But What Is Barbershop?
A. Barbershop harmony is unaccompanied, four-part a cappella harmony. Although barbershop-style music is usually built on simple melodies and is relatively easy to sing, the a cappella style and the ear training necessary for independent part singing make it one of the most challenging and rewarding accomplishments of a vocal ensemble. When the music is sung accurately and with good breath support and vocal techniques, barbershop harmony produces overtone vibrations that create a resonant ring unique to this form of music. Ladies of all skill levels join us, and their abilities are as varied as they are. It’s the coming together of these unique voices, talents and experiences that creates the space for an exciting ensemble.
Sound Like Fun?
Ready to get in on all the excitement? Join us and take advantage of our individualized private lessons, show-stopping music and choreography, educational programs, and the family of sisters just waiting on the risers for you!
Who are Sweet Adelines?
Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performances. This independent, nonprofit music education association is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women.
The international membership of nearly 25,000 women, all singing in English, includes choruses in most of the fifty United States as well as in Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, Wales and the Netherlands. The organization encompasses more than 1,200 registered quartets and 600 choruses.
For more information about the history and origins of Sweet Adelines and female barbershop singing, visit http://www.sweetadelineintl.org/history.cfm.