SOS Newsletter Issue 1
Please enjoy Issue 1 of our Spirit of Syracuse Newsletter!!
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Please enjoy Issue 1 of our Spirit of Syracuse Newsletter!!
If you would like to subscribe to our Newsletter email, please fill out our form!
To say that we are humbled, grateful and beyond excited to be this year’s Greater NY/NJ Region 15 chorus champions is the understatement of 2023! We'd like to thank everyone in Region 15, the fabulous RCC, our amazing coaches (Ryan Heller, Erin Howden, and Joe Connelly), and all of our friends and family for their support and well wishes. We are honored to represent Region 15 at the 2024 International Competition in Kansas City! If you didn't get a chance to see our regional set, please follow the link below!
Congratulations to Illuminate Quartet for winning the Sweet Adelines Region 15 quartet contest in April 2023! They lit up the stage and once again left us all in awe! Kudos to Alicia Caron - Lead, Cherie LaDuke - Bass, Jennifer Hunter - Baritone, and Becky King - Tenor. This powerhouse quartet made up of women hailing from both Region 1 and 15 are now two time Region 15 Champions! Their passion and talent shines through during every performance and leaves audiences speechless! We are so proud of all their accomplishments and look forward to what they do next!
This September, they will be heading to Louisville to join all the other regional quartet winners from around the world to compete at the Sweet Adelines International Contest. We wish them all the best!!
Meet Julie!
Occupation: Teacher
Julie joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2010 as a Lead! Her grandmother was a Sweet Adeline and she grew up watching her and listening to her records. Her mom is also a Sweet Adeline (AND current SOS member) and was the reason Julie and her sisters came to a membership drive. Julie said she would go to one rehearsal then stop, but she is still here with us!! She has fallen in love with the craft, the community, and her fellow SOS members. Her favorite memories are her first performance, the Thriller Nights show, and winning first place at our most recent Regional competition!
We are thrilled you decided to stick with us! Chorus wouldn't be the same without you, Julie!!
Meet Kathy!
Occupation: Higher Education Fundraising
Kathy joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 1989 as a Baritone! Now she goes between Baritone and Lead. She is also the Finance Coordinator for the chorus! Her mother was in the chorus and she joined when we hosted a membership drive. After she graduated college, she was looking for a group to sing with. SOS was a perfect fit! To her, it is the whole package. She loves the barbershop art form and the people. This is her "thhhaaannnggggg"! Her favorite memory was going to her first international competition in 2003 in Pheonix. She missed the chorus' first international so she was overjoyed to be able to go to the second one!
We love you Kathy and we are happy to have you with us!!
Meet Cindy!
Occupation: Retired Occupational Therapist
Cindy joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2010 as a Bass! Her school's principle mentioned that she was singing in a chorus. This peaked Cindy's interest and she decided to go to a rehearsal. She's been with us ever since! She has always been a big fan of red, sequins, and singing, so we were a perfect fit for her! She adores her chorus members and her favorite memories are when we get to spend time together during contest weekends! What a weekend we had this contest, huh!?!
We adore your kindness and humor, Cindy!!
Meet Pam!
Occupation: Fine Arts Office Administrative Assistant at West Genesee School District
Pam joined Seeet Adelines in 1983 with the Greater Richmond Chorus. She came across them at a Woman's Organization fair and quickly joined! She then moved to Syracuse in 1989 and transfered to the Spirit of Syracuse! She was a stay at home mom with three children and needed something for herself. She has since made lifelong friends that have been with her through everything. She can't imagine her life without her chorus sisters! One of her favorite memories was when the chorus won a regional competition and were congratulated and celebrated by the previous winners. It was a heartfelt moment of support that has stuck with her through the years!
Meet Debbie!
Occupation: Project Manager
Debbie started her Sweet Adelines journey in 1986 with Valley Forge Chorus. She then moved to Binghamton to Carousel Harmony Chorus where she was the Director! In 2017 she moved again to Syracuse and was welcomed to SOS in 2018 as a Baritone! She is now our Membership Coordinator and our current Member of Note! She keeps singing because she absolutely LOVES hearing those overtones!! Her favorite memories are when we have coaches come. She appreciates the knowledge they bring and their dedication to help us improve as a chorus.
Thank you for all you do for us Debbie!
Meet Natalie!
Occupation: Case Worker for Onondaga County
Natalie joined in July of 2022 as a Bass! She saw a post on Facebook about our membership drive and one of her friends dared her to come to a rehearsal. Her friend knew that she sang in an a ccapella group in highschool and thought Natalie would enjoy singing with us! As it turns out, Natalie really enjoys the challenge of this style of music and is happy she found us! Her favorite memories are getting together with the rest of the Bass section to work music and have a fun time!
We are so thankful to have you with us on the risers, Natalie!
The Spirit of Syracuse Chorus
A Proud Member of Sweet Adelines International
Syracuse, New York
Telephone: (315) 466-1147
E-mail: s[email protected]