Karla Chun's blog

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Amy!

March 11, 2023 - 11:09am -- Karla Chun

Meet Amy!

Occupation: Pension Consultant with a side gig in Social Security

Amy joined the Spirit of Syracuse in February of 2013 as a Lead! She first heard of the chorus through a membership drive ad on the radio. At the time, her kids were still young and she didn't have the time to commit. Once her daughter left for college she was able to pay us a visit! She loves to sing and has always been a part of some kind of vocal group. The friendships she's made here keep her coming back. Her favorite memories are when she can see an audience has been moved and impacted by the songs the chorus sings.

You've made a big impact on us Amy! We are happy to have you!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Denise!

March 4, 2023 - 2:43pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Denise!

Occupation: Retired Art and Music Teacher

Denise joined the chorus in 1984 as a Tenor! She took some time off when one of her daughters was born, but then came back. She is currently in her 22nd year! Her mother was a sweet adeline and Denise never thought she would follow in her footsteps. However, she came to a membership drive and found she loved barbershop. She continues to sing because she enjoys the style of music and has found ever lasting friendships. She also enjoys the growth opportunities the chorus offers, such as holding leadership positions and quarteting. Her favorite memory was experiencing the international stage for the first time!

We are so happy you continue to sing with us Denise!!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Bri!

February 24, 2023 - 7:01pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Bri!

Occupation: Communications and Events Manager for a non-profit

Bri joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2019 as a bass! Her husband knew a couple of our members and that they sang in a chorus. He knew Bri likes to sing and encouraged her to join us! She decided to take a chance and come to a rehearsal. She instantly loved it and they style of music grew on her! A cappella is new to her and she appreciates how hard barbershop is compared to other styles she has sang. She enjoys the sense of community she feels with us and her favorite memory was the baby shower the chorus threw for her!

We enjoy having you on the risers, Bri!!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Sky!

February 17, 2023 - 5:51pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Sky!

Occupation: Music Teacher AKA Cat Wrangler

Sky joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2006 as a baritone (but now sings whatever part the director tells her to)! Her interest started at a young age as her dad sang barbershop. Later in life she realized she missed barbershop, searched the internet, and found us! Now, she is our Associate Director and the founding Director of Harmonic Collective. She continues to sing because she has found a family she never knew she needed. She is also grateful she has the opportunity to sing with her Mom and some of her former students! Her favorite memories are hanging out at night after retreat and conventions where we are all still singing, bonding, and being "nighttime dumb."

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Macenzie!

February 10, 2023 - 2:26pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Macenzie!

Occupation: Early Intervention Service Coordinator

Macenzie first joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2015 as a baritone. After some time away, we were happy to welcome her back with open arms in 2022 (now as a tenor)!! She first joined because of her fabulous music teacher. She attended SayACAfest, Lakeside Acapella Camp, and was a part of the Scarlet Youth Chorus. All of these experiences led her to the Spirit of Syracuse! She felt like she gained a million new Moms when she joined and she missed them all when she had to leave. Her passion for singing and her love for the chorus brought her back! Her favorite memory was her first year in the chorus when she was a front row dancer.

We are so glad to have you back singing with us Macenzie!!

Karla Chun's picture

Singing Valentines!

February 5, 2023 - 9:11pm -- Karla Chun

The Spirit of Syracuse is once again offering Virtual Singing Valentines for sale. For $20 the Spirit of Syracuse chorus will send your friend or loved one a video of the chorus singing your choice of 5 different songs along with your personalized message to their email address. Click here for more information and to place your order!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Lee!

February 5, 2023 - 6:43pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Lee!

Occupation: Office Manager

Lee found her home with the Spirit of Syracuse in July of 2022 as a Bass! She was searching for something she could do that she loved and that would be an escape just for her. She saw us on Facebook and instantly got hooked! She looks forward to coming to rehearsal every week as a nice little escape from reality. She also loves all the women in the chorus because of how amazing and supportive they all are. Her favorite memories are her first performance with us at our 65th Anniversary (the afterparty, too) and spending the weekend bonding and getting coached at our retreat!

Your smile is one we love to see every week, Lee!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Bonnie!

January 27, 2023 - 7:41pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Bonnie!

Occupation: Early Childhood Educator

Bonnie joined the Spirit of Syracuse in March of 2022 as a Lead! She was a stay at home mom and wanted to connect with more people. She decided to search online for choruses in the area and found us! Through her time here, the chorus has become a family and has helped her through rough patches. Every member has played a part in making her life better and she is happy to have found a second home. She enjoys the interactions she has between members and the little inside jokes that go with it! Her favorite memories are when she gets to spend time with members outside of rehearsal to get to know each other more and have fun! We love you, Bonnie!

Karla Chun's picture

Meet Our Members - Judi!

January 6, 2023 - 6:57pm -- Karla Chun

Meet Judi!

Occupation: Paraprofessional

Judi started her Sweet Adelines journey in 1996 and joined the Spirit of Syracuse in 2014. She was at a time in her life where it was work, eat, and sleep. She saw a poster in the grocery store and decided to check us out. As soon as the chorus hit a chord, she was hooked! She was also a duel member with Seven Valley Chorus. She actually competed with both chorus at competition! She has sang a variety of parts throughout the years and is currently singing tenor. She loves all the people she's met and continues to sing because of them. "Come for the music, stay for the people." Her favorite memories are of her first competition, getting her first medal, and getting to go to international!

We are hooked on you, too, Judi!


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Contact us

The Spirit of Syracuse Chorus
A Proud Member of Sweet Adelines International
Syracuse, New York

Telephone: (315) 466-1147
E-mail: soschorusemail@gmail.com